
For 70+ years, we’ve been fruit-obsessed.

Celebrating them. Gathering for good times around them. And growing them fresh on our farm. We’ve developed our business, our friends and our families around the idea that if fruit can be good, and fresh, and fun, it should be—a mantra that’s served us well ever since we thought it up.

So when it came time for our next beverage, we asked ourselves: “what do we want to drink?” What could we make that would support both a work day, and a play day? It had to be tasty. Something with balance. Something with good stuff in it, that wasn’t so good we had to pinch our noses to get it down.

On one hand, you’ve got the juicy, delicious fruit flavors of the farm—sorta like a soda. And on the other hand, the gut-helping benefits of probiotics – sorta like a healthy tonic. The two come together to create what we call a probi-tonic.

Sorta Pop just makes you feel good. When it’s 3pm and you need a pick-me-up, it can help. Or maybe you’re looking to offset a few slices of pizza you had for lunch. Or you just want to start the day on the right foot. When you do one good thing for yourself, the next good thing comes a little easier. It’s our hope and our mission to be a daily dose of good, for those hoping to be their greatest.