Sidral Mundet Apple Soda

Sidral Mundet Apple Soda
Sidral Mundet Apple Soda

Sidral Mundet, One of the favorite drinks in Mexican culture since 1902. Made with natural sugar, Sidral Mundet has a unique and delicious flavor. Since 1902, Mundet has been the 100% Mexican apple soft drink with the same great apple flavor. In 1902, when Porfirio Díaz was still in power, "Don Arturo Mundet" began manufacturing "Sidral Mundet", being a pioneer in the use of the popular hermetapa, better known as "corcholata". Due to this long history, today, Sidral Mundet is one of the best known and most traditional brands. Mundet has maintained its quality, which has been proven by Mexican mothers, who give their children Sidral as a moisturizing serum. Sidral Mundet, a distinctively refreshing and crisp apple soft drink.

In 2015 Novamex dropped their messaging stating "Mundet's Apple flavor comes from the apples, not from flavorings." Removing the 'not from flavorings' and reformulated the beverage.

  • Sidral Mundet Apple Soda is 1% pasteurized apple juice.
  • The different product logos and branding you see are for different distribution areas.


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