San Benedetto Thè Premium Matcha Green Tea

San Benedetto Thè Premium Matcha Green Tea
San Benedetto Thè Premium Matcha Green Tea - Poured

San Benedetto Thè Premium Matcha Green Tea. Precious tea leaves, hand-picked and dried at low temperature, form the basis of the exclusive formula and selected blend of San Benedetto Premium Tea. Take a sensory journey with its rich and intense aroma, enclosed in a glass bottle with golden reflections, inspired by the elegant curves of ancient oriental perfumes.

Matcha tea is a fine variety of Japanese green tea, known for its finely ground powder of shade-grown tea leaves. This practice, which increases the chlorophyll and amino acid content, gives Matcha its characteristic bright green colour and unique umami flavour. Matcha, originally used by Zen Buddhist monks to enhance concentration, is also prized for its antioxidant properties and health benefits.


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